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  • 5 score
    5 voters


      There are roughly 300 students who identify as disabled at Leeds trinity university. However, there are currently only 11 parking spaces across campus for blue badge holders, with only 3 of these being outside the library, despite there being 20 spaces for guest speakers/lecturers outside the library. The library and the main building are where the majority of access routes start and as a result is one of the best places for a disabled student to park but, there are not enough spaces. For many disabled students, public transport is not a viable option and many will drive to university, but when there are not any available disabled spaces it can be devastating as we are faced with two options; 1) go home and miss lectures 2) Park in a normal space and risk not being able to get our equipment out, or out at all & possibly being too far away from the entrance for us to cope. Therefore working with the university I propose that the number of disabled spaces are increased from 11 to between 20-30. Focusing on main access points such as the south entrance and in-front of the library/main entrance.
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