Student Say allows you to submit your own idea to be discussed and actioned by the President, Vice President, or Student Council. Enter the idea that matters to you today. Get a minimum of 30 interactions (with more likes than dislikes) within one month and the Student Council will discuss your idea and see what can be done!
What is Student Say?
You may have an idea for change at the University, local community, or within The SU. Whatever your idea, big or small, we would love to hear about it! Fill in the form below to submit your idea!
Once you have submitted your idea, we will get back to you as soon as possible with some next steps on how to achieve this goal. Your idea can range in size, ambition, and scope. The only rule is that your idea must aim to improve the student experience at Leeds Trinity.
You need to get a minimum of 30 interactions (with more likes than dislikes) within one month and the Student Council will discuss your idea and see what can be done!
How does it work?
- Make sure you're logged into the LTSU website, and press the "Submit A New Idea" button.
- You'll need to give your idea a title, try to keep it as concise as possible.
- When you submit your idea, we'll review it and get in touch if we have any questions. We'll also let you know the status of your idea such as when it's live on the website.
- Once your idea is live, all students will be able to vote and comment on your idea. So be sure to campaign to get your idea passed.
Submit your idea 
Whilst we have your attention click thumbs up if you like an idea! The more likes the closer we are to making your dreams come true. Remember we need 30 votes to take action so hit that like button!

Press the button below to submit an idea! It's that simple! Don't forget to login first! The submit button and voting option will magically appear once you've logged in!
The next steps can vary:

- The idea is taken to other LTSU committee or leaders for action or discussion (for ideas that need to be picked up by the relevant area in The SU).
- LTSU supports the creation of a campaign plan (for issues that need a campaign or lobbying effort).
- The idea feeds into an existing piece of work (for ideas that align with project work already being undertaken by The SU).
- The idea becomes a proposal for discussion at Student Council
Good to Know:

Make sure you read our Code of Conduct before you submit your idea.
Idea Archive

Some ideas never got passed because they didn't get enough votes, which we are really sad about. Visit the archive to see previous submissions. If there is a really great idea you like, you can resubmit the idea. Once it has 30 votes, we can send it to Student Council

How do I get my idea approved?
All ideas require 30+ Yes votes to be referred to our Student Forum to be discussed.
If your idea is approved, either by the Student Council, we'll be in touch on how to make your idea a reality!
What happens if your idea isn't approved?
We review all ideas before they're available on the website, if we have any questions at this stage we will be in touch.
If your idea is rejected or doesn't reach the voting threshold, we can work together to review your idea and submit it again.
Got any questions or feedback?
This is a new system, and we appreciate your patience during its implementation. If you have any questions about the Student Say system or have feedback on how we can do things differently email student.union@leedstrinity.ac.uk