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  • 21 score
    21 voters

    Transparent Module Results Day

      As students, we are expected to hand in assignments ahead of deadlines and are penalised if not. Meanwhile, lecturers do not have a firm day that results are returned to students. I think students should be given more transparency as to when grades will be returned. Existing 'post' dates on Turnitin are often changed or ignored meaning waiting for grades is overly stressful. A clear module results day would reduce some of this stress.
    Rebecca Mills
    12:53am on 26 Jan 21 Definitely - I think they should also show via the marking scheme what marks you got - it would make it easier to understand how to progress and what was the weakest part of your submission vs. a grade and simple feedback.
    Omole Musah-Eroje
    3:16pm on 27 Jan 21 I totally agree tgat this should be a thing!
    Charlotte Parker
    3:16pm on 27 Jan 21 Agree Rebecca, being able to see on a mark scheme where marks were lost would be great, particularly for when all feedback given is positive
    Alexander Pham-Smith
    3:33pm on 27 Jan 21 I agree. It is irritating that lecturers give us a firm due date for handing one's assignments in, and that we are penalised for being one minute over the due date and time, I think lecturers need to be more active and deliver the marks and comments on time.
    Rachel Powell
    7:34pm on 8 Feb 21 Completely agree!

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