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Guide the work and future of LTSU in the voluntary role of Student Trustee

Leeds Trinity Students’ Union is registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) with the Charity Commission, which is a legal way of recognising that we only exist to benefit our student members. Led by students, for students, we are governed by our Constitution and have a two-tier structure led by our students and guided by our Trustee Board which is made up of Officers and appointed Members (student and external). Everything we deliver is informed by our core values. We provide advice, representation, social, recreational, and sporting opportunities. Our services are supported by a staff team who are experts in their fields and enable us to sustain the best experience at Leeds Trinity, for all students. 

To make sure we are fulfilling our requirements as a charity, there are a few specific things we have to do, which includes having a Board of Trustees. 

Our Trustee board is made up of non-students (called external trustees), elected officers (officer trustees) and students (student trustees), all of whom bring a range of specific experiences, knowledge, skills that support our group to make decisions.

The overall role of our board is to ensure that our Students' Union is the best it can be, ensuring that we continue to be well managed in a safe and legal way that can help us achieve our long term aims.


You will get to make a difference to over 7500 students’ lives at Leeds Trinity University ensuring we become a high-performing, relevant Students’ Union that represents, supports and builds relevant digital and physical communities for our students.

No experience required

You will be provided with training on being a trustee, be invited to major student engagement and celebration events across the year, and to an annual trustee residential that will focus on developing both the Board and the organisation.

Leadership role

As a Trustee, you are responsible for fully understanding the constitution and bylaws of the Students’ Union. You will have an awareness of the day-to-day activities of the organisation and provide sound assistance to the organisation through your role.


Leeds Trinity Students’ Union is a charity registered with The Charity Commission, and they have requirements about who can, and cannot be a Trustee. Find out more here


Hours of work: 14 - 20 hours per annum 

Term: Fixed term 2 years (eligible only during study at Leeds Trinity University)

Your Students' Union is always looking to meet students who might be interesting in joining our trustee board. We know that every student here at Leeds Trinity University has the essential skills we need and if you're interested and the position is available, we'd love to arrange a time for you to have a coffee with a member of our team to talk about the role further.


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